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Office-based Physician Health IT Adoption and Use

Category:  Health
Description: Since 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics has...
Keywords / Tags: Health Dataset
License: Public Domain Type:   Free  Chennai (TN) India  API docs
Union Budget (2020-21) - Department of Agricultural Research and Education

Category:  Agriculture
Description: Total Union Budget allocation for the Department of Agricultural Research and Education under the Ministry of...
Keywords / Tags: Agriculture Dataset
License: CC-0 Type:   Free  Mobile (AL) USA
Telangana Windspeed January Data 2022

Category:  Weather
Description: This dataset provides information about the cumulative rainfall, minimum & maximum temperature, humidity &...
Keywords / Tags: Weather Dataset
License: Public Domain Type:   Free  Bengaluru / Bangalore (KA) India
Hospital Public Health Reporting

Category:  Health
Description: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) EHR Incentive Program provides incentive payments for...
Keywords / Tags: Health Datasets
License: Public Domain Type:   Free  Bengaluru / Bangalore (KA) India  API docs

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