Detailed Profile of Mentors / Experts
Harshit Varshney
  Gurgaon (HR) , India - IST (Indian Standard Time)

Expert in python, Java | 7 Years Exp. | Mentored 500 hours on Scaler

   7 Years

US$ 80 Per Hour

   English ( Fluent ) ,

Key Skills   : Java, Python, SQL, MongoDB , ElasticSearch , Go,

Categories : Algorithms, Backend Development, Software Development

Mobile Num : Verified Num of Views : 167
Tech Services Provided By Me

    ✓ Online / WFH / Remote Work

    ✓ Less than 20 hours per week

Short Bio
Tech Lead at Expedia | Mentor at upGrad, Unacademy, Scaler
Hi I am mentoring people from last 4 years and devoted 1000+ hours in mentoring. Having 7 years of programming experience in Python, java, MongoDb, ElasticSearch, telethon and many more technologies

I love working with:

  • Python
  • Java
  • NodeJS
  • AWS
  • SQL
  • MongoDB
  • ElasticSearch

**Strong and clear communication
**Availability at all times
**Long term support in chat

1000+ Sessions

Skills & Experties


Tech Skills Experience Skill Level
Java, Python, SQL, MongoDB , ElasticSearch , Go, 7 Years Expert
Project Details
Project Title Not Specified
Start Date Not Specified End Date Not Specified
Project Details:
Employment / Work History
Company Name Designation Duration
Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified

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