Detailed Profile of Mentors / Experts
Shubham Jain
  Bengaluru / Bangalore (KA) , India - IST (Indian Standard Time)

Expert Big Data Engineer/ Data Engineer for resolving complex data and pipeline issue

   5 Years

INR₹ 650 Per Hour

   English ( Fluent ) , Hindi ( Fluent ) ,

Key Skills   : Spark , Hadoop, Hive, Python, Java, Amazon EC2 Container Service, Data Structur ...More

Categories : Big Data, Algorithms, Fraud Analytics, Cloud Computing - SaaS, Distributed Computing, ...More

Mobile Num : Verified Num of Views : 139
Tech Services Provided By Me

    ✓ Online / WFH / Remote Work

    ✓ Less than 20 hours per week

Short Bio
  • I have worked for product based organization like Walmart, Impetus, Fractal (Unicorn startup) and having good experience on tech stack like Spark , Hadoop, Hive, Python, Java, Amazon EC2 Container Service, Data Structures, SQL.
  • Experienced in building extensive data pipelines
  • Build an end to end application for deploying the workflow on Flask
  • Worked on creating a http flask application which exposes multiple API to deploy the workflow.
  • Created a middleware which is used to authenticate and authorize end user based on environment.
  • Created an utility which supports deployment of workflow based on config file base
Skills & Experties


Tech Skills Experience Skill Level
Spark , Hadoop, Hive, Python, Java, Amazon EC2 Container Service, Data Structures, Data Warehousing, Data Analysis / Data Analysts, SQL, Python, Google BigQuery, 5 Years Expert
Project Details
Project Title Not Specified
Start Date Not Specified End Date Not Specified
Project Details:
Employment / Work History
Company Name Designation Duration
Walmart Software Engineer III 12 May 2021 to 03 May 2023

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