Detailed Profile of Mentors / Experts
vikash kumar
  Bengaluru / Bangalore (KA) , India - IST (Indian Standard Time)

Expert Machine Learning Engineer Specializing in Complex Problem-Solving

   5 Years

INR₹ 2000 Per Hour

   English ( Intermediate ) ,

Key Skills   : Python, Machine learning, deep learning, GitLab, Kubernetes,

Categories : Data Science, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Natural Language Processing (NLP) ...More

Mobile Num : Verified Num of Views : 110
Tech Services Provided By Me

    ✓ Online / WFH / Remote Work

    ✓ More than 20 hours per week

Short Bio
With 5 years of expertise in machine learning and data science currently working at Thomson Reuters, I excel in:

- Tech Skills: Python, Proficient in NLP, Transformers, cloud computing (GCP), PyTorch, computer vision, object detection, GitLab, and Kubernetes (KubeFlow).

- Projects:
1. Summarization: Creating LLM based solution to create synopsis of legal document using prompt engineering.
1. LLM Distillation: Streamlined LLMs for faster inference without sacrificing quality.
2. IDP DocChat: Leveraged Langchain for document-based queries within large datasets.
3. General Form Parser: Automated form processing with advanced feature detection.
4. Auto ML ROI Detector: Created a no-code, ML-driven platform for precise object detection.
5. Auto ML Entity Extraction: Designed a NER system, cutting down model build time by 95%.
Skills & Experties


Tech Skills Experience Skill Level
Python, 5 Years Intermediate
Machine learning 5 Years Expert
deep learning 5 Years Expert
GitLab 5 Years Intermediate
Kubernetes, 3 Years Intermediate
Project Details
Project Title Not Specified
Start Date Not Specified End Date Not Specified
Project Details:
Employment / Work History
Company Name Designation Duration
Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified

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